5 Supplements You SHOULD NEVER BUY!!!

Check out my client Alex’s transformation where he put on a whole bunch of muscle

Look a little over 5 years ago I was the guy that had every possible supplement that you could possibly imagine spread out on my counter.

I was taking protein creatine glucosamine prostate supports liver support milk thistle fish oils, c.l.a.s digestive enzymes, just a whole bunch of stuff most of which I did not need at all.

Unfortunately nobody was around to tell me that all the supplements that I bought were just leading to one thing and that was expensive pee.

Seriously guys the supplement industry is huge. And there are a lot of products that you’re told will help you build muscle

or help you burn fat 3 times as fast but the truth is that most of these supplements are just gonna burn a whole in your wallet

and you going to wind up spending money that you could have spent on good food that would actually get you way more results.

Today I want to go over the top five BS supplements that you should stay away from.

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Let’s start with number one liquid ketones.

the reason why I wanted to mention liquid ketones first is because they’re becoming more and more popular right now.

The whole idea is that liquid ketones are supposed to help you enter ketosis faster so liquid ketones are really growing in popularity especially with the keto diet crowd.

Unfortunately somebody should tell them that this supplements claims are just straight up lies.

In order for your body to go into ketosis you have to restrict carb intake enough for your body to begin converting fat into ketones which will be used as energy.

Simply put you’re using fat as your primary source of fuel when you don’t have any carbs.

This process of using ketones for energy known as ketosis essentially allows people to Target their fat stores and burn more fat.

Ketosis happens naturally when you take glycogen or carbs away from the body not when you add something in.

Randomly adding in ketones into your body will not put you into a state of ketosis. Again ketosis leads to ketones, but ketones don’t lead to ketosis.

So when your body is in ketosis that leads to Natural Ketone production for fuel not the other way around.

Adding in extra ketones for no reason  will just  give you extra fuel  to burn before you start burning your own fat stores.

Which was the whole point of taking the liquid ketones to begin with. It’s actually really really stupid when you think about it.

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Anyway…Next up are massgainers That’s right Massgainers are a complete waste of money and here’s why…. first of all mass gainers are not healthy at all.

It’s pretty much a little bit of protein powder filled with a ton of sugar. In fact they have so much filler sugar that most Mass gainers fail lab tests for protein. Meaning that they have less protein than what’s written on the package.

if you want the best bang for your buck then buy regular protein powder and use it to make your own mass gainer.

you can create a way better Mass Gainer with ingredients that come from real food for your body to actually use.

What you do is you take 2 scoops of protein, two tablespoons of peanut butter, two bananas, two servings of rolled oats and one to two tablespoons of coconut oil.

Then you add in either water or whole milk if you really want to add extra calories. Then blend it with some ice and walla you have yourself a killer massgainer thats cheaper and much more effective than what you would get out of a commercial mass gainer.

Next on the list are multivitamins

and I know a lot of people are going to lose it when I explain this because some people really do think that taking a multivitamin everyday Will magically keep them healthy.

don’t worry about my diet ….I got my multivitamins. Sorry to break it to you but your multivitamin is only doing two things… one overfilling the pockets of supplement companies and two giving you expensive piss……thats pretty much it.

3 studies published in the journal….annals of internal medicine found that multivitamins and minerals didn’t perform any better than a placebo pill in regard to People’s Health.

Meanwhile supplements like multivitamins continue to lead a multi-billion-dollar industry.

First of all we don’t even understand the full spectrum of vitamins minerals and antioxidants present in real fruits and vegetables.

Like what I mean is we might know about half of them or maybe 10 percent of them or maybe 1 percent of them…we don’t know.

But even that aside when you take  the vitamins that you think we need to stay healthy and you make a synthetic pill

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I don’t care if it’s in a veggie cap its foreign to your body…  your body doesn’t absorb it in the same way that it would have absorbed real food.

On top of that the percentages of certain vitamins in a multivitamin are really high and scientists aren’t even sure if that could potentially be harmful for you.

Just one out of the three of these studies involved over 6,000 people studied for over 12 years comparing placebos and multivitamins.

They’re a waste of your money start eating real fruits and vegetables either by juicing them or in salads if you really want experience the health benefits.

Look if you’re the type of person that lives off of a diet of frozen pizza and diet soda then yeah maybe you’ll get something out of multivitamins.

But it’s not going to keep you healthy the way that eating real fruits and vegetables would and this has been proven with studies.

The fourth stupid supplement that you should stay away from are testosterone boosters.

Studies have shown that testosterone boosters will only increase your testosterone by a very small percentage compared to what’s necessary to actually produce results caused by hormonal changes.

I’m talking about like a 20 percent change in your testosterone levels.  that may sound like a lot but in order to experience results you got to have like a 300 percent change. So practically speaking they’re not going to do anything for you.

Well I take that back there is one thing that testosterone boosters will do for you mostly because they all have a very common ingredient Tribulus Terrestris.

Tribulus terrestris will help improve libido but won’t do much for your testosterone levels.

So this makes people think that it’s working but it’s not in fact it might even have testosterone lowering effects. Don’t waste your money.

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Last supplement that I want to talk about are fat burners including CLAs.

Those things are super popular especially with the Meathead crowd. like I said I used to take clas all the time

because I thought it was keeping my body fat percentage nice and low  and it wasn’t like a real fat burner like Hydroxycut or something.

But unfortunately Clas dont work enough for you to spend a dime on them. I know it seems like there’s a lot of studies that are saying that Cla’s work but the truth is that  these studies are performed on mice not on people.

These mice clearly had amazing benefits some of them dropping 60 percent body fat. unfortunately these studies don’t translate to people.

A review of eight clinical trials found great variability in response to taking cla. And the really strange thing about these studies is that the amount of CLA taken didn’t correlate with the amount of weight lost.

More studies need to be done on this topic but I’ve taken clas and the amount of results that you notice will be so insignificant that I’d classify them in the same group as multivitamins you don’t need them.

They work if you diet and exercise and they’re not going to work if you don’t diet and exercise you might as well just diet and exercise.

same thing goes for fat burners fat burners are pretty much just a huge dose of caffeine. they’re going to make you jittery and they’ll make your heart race.

And they’ll give you a bloody nose if you’re really lucky. That’s right who would have guessed it most fat burners are really unhealthy in the long run and unfortunately they don’t work without diet and exercise.

so that’s it guys I really hope this tip helps you out I hope it helps clarify and shine a light on some of the BS supplements out there so you don’t waste your money like I did.

Right now I’m running a free 6 week challenge where all you have to do to get it for free is stick to the plan and most of my clients are losing either a minimum of 20 pounds or 5 percent body fat in 6 weeks.

Click the link below and that’ll take you straight there……………………… what are you waiting for seriously click that link this challenge will completely transform your body. The website is gravity transformation.com see you guys soon.

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My passion for fitness began when I was 14 years old. I naturally fell in love with training and haven’t stopped since. At 18 years I acquired my first personal training certification from ACE after which I opened my first of 3 transformation studios in 2011. I love to share my knowledge through personal training, my online courses, and youtube channel now with over 3,000,000 subscribers! I can happily say that we've helped over 15,000 people get in great shape over the years. I'm always here for my customers so if you need help don't hesitate to send your questions to support@gravitychallenges.com

Founder // Gravity Transformation, Max Posternak