8 Best Sources of Fat for Weight Loss

Check out my client Bryan B’s transformation where he lost a whole bunch of fat.

Eating healthy fat can help you improve your insulin sensitivity, lose weight, decrease inflammation…

and even reduce the risk of heart disease. But just eating any type of fat is not the way to get a lean, muscular physique.

If you’re serious about eating a high-fat diet like keto or if you just want to incorporate more fats into your diet

the majority of the fats you eat should come from natural sources that promote good health and as a side effect help you lose body fat rather than gain.

To help you pick the best fats to incorporate into your diet, I want to go over the top 8 healthy fats to add to your meal plan.

1. First up I want to start with the one that many people overlook. 65 percent of the calories in dark chocolate come from fat,

but more importantly, the cacao in the chocolate contains between 300 and 400 health-promoting nutrients.

This coupled with a lower carb count is why you should always aim for 85% dark chocolate or higher.

Now don’t get me wrong you can’t eat all the dark chocolate you want, you will have to limit yourself to only a couple squares per day to get the health benefits without messing up your diet.

Among those benefits are extremely powerful antioxidants called polyphenols.

(1) A one and a half ounce piece of dark chocolate will give you as many polyphenols as a 5-ounce glass of red wine.

One of these polyphenols called epicatechin has been found to help prevent heart disease and diabetes. Dark chocolate also contains flavonoids, (1.5)

which have the power to fight off a number of diseases? They can also help prevent inflammation, ward off viruses, and fight cancer-causing carcinogens.

Dark chocolate is also very good for your heart. It’s been shown in studies to increase blood flow and prevent clotting (2).

There is also evidence that eating two to three small servings of dark chocolate per week can help prevent hardening of the arteries.

And not only is it good for your heart but it’s even been shown to be good for your brain.

It boosts the blood flow, which supplies more nutrients and oxygen to your brain cells.

(3) It also contains 27 milligrams of caffeine in a 1.5 ounce serving as well as theobromine, and both of them act as a mild stimulant to help you concentrate and focus.

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2. Next up is the avocado. Avocados are very high in healthy monounsaturated fats, which are fats that actually help lower cholesterol.

They also have more fiber and more protein than any other fruit and they’re very high in beta-sitosterol,

which is a nutrient that reduces the amount of cholesterol that we absorb from food. So they help us absorb less cholesterol

while containing zero cholesterol themselves. As far as vitamins they’re very high in Vitamin E which is another powerful antioxidant and they have plenty of B vitamins,

including folate which has been shown to lower dangerous homocysteine levels in the blood.

(4) Homocysteine is an amino acid that you get mostly from eating meat. When you have high levels of it in your blood you’re more likely to develop heart disease.

3. Let’s move on to… coconut oil. Coconut oil comes from the meat and kernel of the coconut.

Most of that oil is fat and the majority of those fats are medium chain fatty acids or MCFAs.

MCFAs are very small and can be easily broken down to be converted into energy. Unlike glucose, MCFAs do not increase insulin levels.

They also go directly to the liver to be converted into energy rather than entering the bloodstream which is what allows them to provide fast available energy.

Aside from the benefits, you’ll get from medium chain fatty acids, a key compound in coconut oil is lauric acid,

which has powerful antimicrobial qualities that strengthen your immune system. Lauric acid also strengthens arteries while helping to lower blood pressure (5).

On top of all of that coconut oil is also very effective at lowering inflammation and boosting the metabolism.

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4. Our next awesome healthy source of fat is Salmon. This fatty fish is a great source of protein and it’s very high in omega 3 fatty acids.

We need omega-3 fatty acids to improve insulin sensitivity, boost metabolism, increase our energy levels,

help us build more muscle, and especially maintain a balanced ratio with omega 6 fatty acids.

To combat heart disease we want to aim for under a 4 to 1 ratio of omega 6 to omega 3’s, ideally getting it closer and closer to a 1 to 1 ratio.

Eskimo’s eat so much omega 3’s that they have a 1 to 4 ratio. One study of the Inuit Eskimo people set out to find out why they had such low levels of heart disease compared to people in the western world.

The study found that as the amount of salmon in the diet increases, the level of heart disease decreases.

(6) Omega-3 fatty acids can also decrease the stickiness of blood platelets. This makes them less likely to form into blood clots.

Another beneficial heart effect is that omega-3 fatty acids reduce artery wall inflammation.

According to one study people who consumed fatty fish at least once per month had a lowered risk of having a stroke.

(7) On top of all these health benefits, they can help you feel fuller. In one particular study people

who consumed omega-3 rich foods felt fuller for longer which made them eat fewer calories over the course of the day (8).

A final benefit of salmon is that it is able to suppress the secretion of cortisol, which is the body’s stress hormone.

When choosing salmon go for wild caught as it has the optimal balance of omega 3’s.

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5. Next up we’ve got nuts. Now even though nuts are packed with healthy fats and they can be a fantastic choice when you’re reaching for a snack,

eating too many nuts just like chocolate can slow fat loss and contribute to weight gain. But,as long as you only have a handful per day nuts can provide a ton of benefits for your health and your body.

For example, Almonds have been shown to help lower the risk of colon cancer and eating any kind of nut can help reduce the risk of heart disease.(9)

If that’s not impressive enough, scientists believe that getting into the habit of eating nuts every day can reduce the risk of death by up to twenty percent (10).

Since they’re a plant-based source of protein, nuts can give you a bunch of the amino acids you need without any cholesterol and they can actually even help lower ldl which is the bad type of cholesterol.

They’re also a great source of magnesium and B vitamins including Riboflavin and Niacin.

Nuts are also another very good source of Omega 3 fatty acids, and we want to get all the omega 3’s we can because it’s chronically undersupplied by the Western diet.

Like I said ideally we want to aim for a 1 to 1 ratio, but most Americans are getting a 16 to 1 ratio, which can help explain why we have such a high incidence of heart disease.

Lastly, even though some nuts are higher in carbs than others they’re also packed with fiber.

Fiber slows down digestion and the absorption of carbs, allowing for a more controlled, gradual rise in blood sugar levels.

However, if you’re on a low carb high-fat diet like keto the best types of nuts are Brazils, Macadamia nuts, and pecans.

Moving on we have flax seeds which are one of the best plant-based sources of omega 3 fatty acids.

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They’re also full of fiber, protein, as well as a number of vitamins and minerals including vitamin E, vitamin B, zinc, iron, copper, magnesium, nickel, calcium and many other essential minerals.

Now even though flax seed is great you shouldn’t have more than three tablespoons of flaxseed twice a day or you could run into some digestion problems.

Also as with other healthy sources of fat on this list eating too much flaxseed can lead to weight gain.

The last thing that I want to mention is that if your buying ground flax seeds you shouldn’t buy too much ground flaxseed at the same time because they expire a lot faster than if they were whole.

6. Next up are eggs. Eggs used to be condemned because they’re high in cholesterol. But recent studies have revealed that the cholesterol in eggs does not increase the risk of heart disease.

(11) On top of that, there were a number of studies that compared groups of people eating 1 to 3 eggs per day to another group that ate none.

And the groups that ate the eggs increased their “good” Hdl cholesterol, while the “bad” Ldl cholesterol either remained the same or went up slightly but not as Large Ldl particles not small.

(11.5) People that mostly have large Ldl particles have a lower risk of heart disease. With the cholesterol problem out of the way,

we can appreciate the high nutrient density of eggs. They’re packed with vitamins and minerals that contain antioxidants and improve brain function thanks to the choline they contain.

Eggs are also very filling due to their high protein content. One study showed that people who replace a grain-based breakfast with eggs end up eating fewer calories over the course of the day.

(12) Eggs are also a great source of lutein, which is what gives the egg yolk its yellow color and happens to be very good for the eyes.

Eggs actually have twice the amount of lutein as spinach, which is the second highest source under eggs.

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7. Next is olive oil. This is a monounsaturated fat that’s packed with natural antioxidants that can help fight viruses.

It also contains a compound known as oleuropein, which has been shown to prevent the oxidation of LDL cholesterol.

This is the process that leads to atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries. On top of that one of the most exciting areas of research regarding olive oil has to do with cancer.

It helps prevent neoplasms, which are new abnormal growths on cells that can lead to cancerous cell growth.

One particular study identified a compound in extra virgin olive oil called oleocanthal. This compound reacts with the lysosomes in cancerous cells where the waste is stored.

It ruptures these lysosomes causing cell death within thirty minutes to an hour while leaving uncancerous cells unharmed.

(13) Olive oil has also been shown to help protect against breast and prostate cancer and even prevent blood clotting, making it a defense against stroke and heart attack.

The last thing I want to mention is that eating olive oil helps to keep your cell membranes fluid so that they’re more able to take in nutrients and remove waste.

When choosing which type to buy the best type of olive oil is extra virgin, which is pressed without using heat or chemicals and it’s collected from the first pressing of the olives.

8. Our last healthy fat is cheese. If you’re on a keto diet you’ll already be eating a bunch of different types of cheese, but there are ways to incorporate cheese into most diet plans even if your not on a keto diet and your goal is weight loss.

Swiss cheese, cottage cheese, feta, parmesan, and Part-skim mozzarella all have really good protein to fat ratios.

Most people don’t know that cheese is great for your teeth because it’s high in calcium and very low in lactose.

This high calcium level makes cheese an excellent defender against osteoporosis as well. On top of the high calcium, it’s also high in Vitamin B,

which is very important for a number of things including bone strength. Another great thing about Cheese is that it’s high in protein helping you hit your protein targets for the day and build muscle.

A 100-gram or 3 and ½ ounce serving provides you with between 8 to 24 grams of protein depending on the type cheese.

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That protein is mostly casein, which provides a slower release of amino acids into the bloodstream. This is the opposite of whey protein that quickly digests and get’s right into the bloodstream.

For this reason, some bodybuilders will eat something like low-fat cottage cheese at night before bed as the amino acids will steadily be released while you sleep helps your body repair and recover while boosting your metabolism.

While you can definitely do this with cottage cheese remember that most cheeses are high in fat and calories.

So, like many of the other healthy fats I mentioned today, you have to make sure that you’re eating a sensible amount per day if you want to incorporate it into a weight loss plan.

So there you have it, 8 sources of healthy fat that you can incorporate into your diet, I really hope this tip has helped you out.

Also, if you’re looking for a done for you program that helps you plan exactly what to eat on a daily basis to lose a lot of weight

and body fat over the next 6 weeks without having to go through years of trial and error check out my 6-week challenge.

Clients of mine that have already been through the program have lost an average of 20 pounds or 5 percent of their body fat in only 6 weeks.

With this challenge, You’ll get a customized meal plan, a progressive 42-day workout plan designed to burn fat fast, and an accountability coach to help guide you through the entire process.

And what’s really unique about our challenge is that as long as you complete the challenge without cheating and without quitting you can have the whole course

and all the materials for free. To find out more click the link below in the description or visit my website directly at gravity transformation.com.

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My passion for fitness began when I was 14 years old. I naturally fell in love with training and haven’t stopped since. At 18 years I acquired my first personal training certification from ACE after which I opened my first of 3 transformation studios in 2011. I love to share my knowledge through personal training, my online courses, and youtube channel now with over 3,000,000 subscribers! I can happily say that we've helped over 15,000 people get in great shape over the years. I'm always here for my customers so if you need help don't hesitate to send your questions to support@gravitychallenges.com

Founder // Gravity Transformation, Max Posternak