If you’ve been looking for a way to lose weight effortlessly you’ve probably heard of things like drinking more water, eating smaller portions, taking fat burners, eating from smaller plates, using body wraps, chewing your food slower, and using the stairs instead of the elevator.

But unfortunately, the truth is that none of these tricks really work or at least they don’t work to the degree that you need them to work to come anywhere close to making a noticeable difference.

And the reason why these tricks don’t work can be explained very easily with a quote from President Roosevelt that goes like this “nothing worth having was ever achieved without effort.”

The point is, no matter how hard you look you won’t find the magic pill that lets you lose weight without putting any effort at all into diet and exercise.

However, there are ways that you can change your mental disposition and your outlook to make weight loss a much more effortless process.

Even though that doesn’t sound as appealing as a magic pill, these methods are actually real and these psychological, as well as physical tricks that I’m about to share with you in a second, will really help you lose weight with less resistance from your mind and your body.

Check out my client Palak’s transformation where she gained a whole bunch of muscle

Let’s start with the very first one, you have to come to the understanding that you don’t have to enjoy dieting and exercising in order to do it.

And to prove this I’m about to tell you something that no other personal trainer has ever told you. After consistently working out for over 15 years,

after being a personal trainer for over 10 of those years, after being a fitness model, and even after opening 3 of my own gyms I can admit that I never loved exercising.

Ever. In fact most of the time I don’t even enjoy it. Even now after all these years, there are plenty of days where I absolutely hate working out. But I still do it, almost every day regardless of how I think and feel about it.

The reason why I bring this up is that realizing that you don’t have to enjoy exercise to actually do it is a very very important distinction.

And it’s important because so many people that struggle with weight loss believe that the other people that are in good shape are the types of people that love working out. Meanwhile, they don’t.

So this creates a mental barrier that says I can never do what those “more athletic” people do because I’m different, I happen to hate exercise.

The reality is that there are plenty of people in incredible shape that hate exercise just as much as you do.

But the difference is that they realize that their thoughts and their feelings are not the same as the actions they take.

So regardless of what you think or how you feel about exercising, I want you to take this one action that can change your whole life…. just…. show… up. 

Now, why would you just show up to something that you absolutely hate well there are two major reasons.

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The first one which is actually my next tip can be summed up with another quote… “the delay of gratification is exactly what leads to gratification.” And the point here is that sure eating a good diet and exercising might suck.

I mean with exercise alone if you’re doing it right you’ll be covered in sweat, barely able to breathe, while feeling sore all over your body…that sounds like torture, and in a sense it is…

but something far worse than that feeling is the feeling you get from constantly reaching for instant gratification.

Anyone that has spent a whole day giving in to their urges and seeking convenience, as well as expediency has felt like absolute garbage by the end of the day.

However, by delaying that feeling of gratification you’re actually able to attain it. I’ll give you a couple examples if you lay around eating junk food all day long by the end of the day you’re just laying

there mindlessly shoving cheese doodles in your mouth that no longer even taste good, and your feeling tired, even though you did nothing you’re feeling tired, practically nauseous and disgusted with yourself.

Meanwhile, if you skip a couple meals and eat when you’re actually hungry even the healthiest food tastes absolutely delicious.

This is your minds deceptive aspect of instant gratification. Another example is if you never exercised because you want the instant gratification of feeling comfortable at all times.

Makes sense…exercise creates discomfort so you should avoid it. Well not exercising for long enough will make your muscles atrophy

and then that same exact discomfort that you were trying to avoid the sweat, the heavy breathing, and the aches and pains that are associated with exercise you’ll feel that discomfort just by walking up a flight of stairs.

As you age you’ll develop diseases like obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, or heart disease all of which create far more discomfort than an hour of exercise even if you were doing it every single day.

By coming to the realization that the delay of gratification is actually what leads to gratification you won’t fall for the deceptive tricks that your mind will play on you and instead you’ll be more excited to actually “just show up” because of the understanding of how you’ll feel when it’s done.

The second reason why you should “just show up” is because of motivation snowballs, and unfortunately so does discouragement.

What I mean is that just by showing up and completing your workout consistently it’ll become that much easier to show up for the next workout.

Just by eating healthy options you’re going to be resetting your taste buds, raising your appreciation for real healthy food, while decreasing your cravings for junk food.

On the other hand, by saying “Screw it, I’m not working out today, or screw it I’m gonna eat all the junk food I want today” It makes it that much easier to say “Screw it” the next day,

not only in relation to dieting and working out but in relation to all aspects of your life. You resolve discipline and motivation will all snowball based on your day to day decisions.

If you want to lose weight effortlessly be so consistent that your motivation snowballs to the point where “just showing up” becomes effortless.

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Let’s move on to one of my favorite tricks, satisfy your hungry stomach before you satisfy your hungry mind.

You see, creating massive restrictions will almost always create massive resistance. So you want to find a way to allow yourself to be able to eat the foods that you enjoy even the bad ones without overindulging.

This is once again where your mind is playing tricks on you. From a rational standpoint, nothing will satisfy your hunger like a high protein meal with a bunch of green vegetables.

However, as soon as your body is physically hungry your mind starts suggesting all the worst possible options like fried foods, chips, and ice cream.

So what I want you to do is rather than resisting those temptations allow yourself to eat whatever your mind wants,

but only after you satisfy your stomachs physical feeling of hunger with a meal high in healthy sources of protein and vegetables.

Usually, after a filling meal, you’ll be pleasantly surprised to find that you no longer crave the junk food anymore, making it effortless to resist it. And if you do crave some of that junk food you’ll eat way less of it before you’re full.

Another trick to make dieting more effortless is to incorporate foods that you actually enjoy. I’ve seen too many people that absolutely love carbs on diet plans that heavily restrict carbs.

Well, in the long run, that’s not going to work out because it’s going to require an insane amount of effort to resist eating the foods you truly enjoy.

The same thing happens with people that go on a diet and they go from eating tasty junk food to bland boring food because in an effort to cut more calories they don’t add any oil or seasonings to their healthy food.

Well if you can’t stomach what you’re eating you won’t be eating it for very long. There are ways to incorporate your favorite foods as well as all three macronutrients into your eating plan

so you can feel like you’re not dieting at all. And that is the ideal way to make dieting feel

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The next trick for effortless weight loss is to incorporate daily activities that you actually enjoy. Going for a bike ride, walking your dogs, and playing a sport are all perfect examples of this.

They give you an opportunity to burn off extra calories that you can use to eat more without gaining body fat or you can add those calories to your net deficit.

I truly have a lot of fun doing things like jiu-jitsu, boxing, and hiking with my dogs. So if there’s a day where I’m extremely resistant to the thought of exercising

or if i just feel like mixing it up I can do one of those other things to continue that forward momentum allowing my motivation to continue snowballing in a positive direction.

Moving on the next thing you can do to lose weight effortlessly is treat your body like a temple that you honor not a woodshed that you’re indifferent to.

Imagine that you are your own customizable character and you can develop the exact feelings and skills that you truly want to have.

Or Not, understand that if you have a plant that you don’t water that plant will wither away and die.

With your daily choice,s you can make your customizable character everything you’ve ever hoped for or everything you’ve ever feared. And it’s all about how you treat your body.

It truly blows my mind how many people drive only the nicest cars, but they’re perfectly okay with stepping out of that car with their body in a state of total chaos.

Well I would much rather honor my body before I honored my car. After all without this vehicle that car isn’t moving.

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The next trick actually goes hand in hand with this, I want you to feel successful and reward yourself primarily based on your day to day accomplishments, not your ultimate goal.

Sure you want to achieve your ultimate goal, but you won’t achieve it if you feel like a failure everytime you step on the scale and don’t lose weight or even worse gain weight.

Instead,d understand that you hitting your ultimate goal is about you hitting your smaller daily goals.

So you should feel successful just by putting your sneakers on and getting to the gym that day.

You should feel proud of eating nothing but real whole foods for the whole day. Over time these small successes are the things that will lead you to your ultimate goal.

The last and final trick I want to go over to make weight loss easier is to have something to lose.

The human brain is programmed to avoid losing something it already has then to gain something it wants.

By giving your best friend ten dollars everytime you don’t go to the gym you are creating a system that holds you accountable regardless of your own personal excuses.

There are many other ways you can do this. You can book a vacation 2 months from now and buy a bathing suit that doesn’t fit yet.

You can do the same with an expensive pair of jeans or a really nice shirt and leave it in front of your dresser until you can fit into it.

This is actually exactly what we do with our fat loss challenge. We require you to place a bet on yourself that you will, in fact, stay consistent and accountable for six weeks straight.

And ever since we started doing that the success rate has skyrocketed to the point where on average our clients are now losing 20 pounds or 5 percent body fat in only 6 weeks.

Put some skin in the game, put something on the line, because when you have something to lose your goal becomes real, and you’re essentially burning the ships behind you leaving yourself one way to go…forward.

That’s it guys I really hope this Tip has helped you out And if you’d like to take the next step and try a done for you program proven to work that includes a 42 day workout plan, a customized diet plan, a recipe book, as well as an accountability coach that will contact you every week to help guide you through the whole process you should check out my 6 week challenge.

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My passion for fitness began when I was 14 years old. I naturally fell in love with training and haven’t stopped since. At 18 years I acquired my first personal training certification from ACE after which I opened my first of 3 transformation studios in 2011. I love to share my knowledge through personal training, my online courses, and youtube channel now with over 3,000,000 subscribers! I can happily say that we've helped over 15,000 people get in great shape over the years. I'm always here for my customers so if you need help don't hesitate to send your questions to support@gravitychallenges.com

Founder // Gravity Transformation, Max Posternak