So you have some excess belly fat, that’s cool…I can help, but I’m not gonna tell you the same bs that you’ve probably seen and heard a million times. I’m not gonna tell you to lie down on the ground and start doing crunches. In fact, there’s not gonna be a single crunch in this whole video because crunches and abdominal exercises are not what will help you lose belly fat. Let me repeat that crunches and ab exercises will never ever ever be the best exercises for you to lose belly fat. The exercises that I show you today are going to be far better and much more effective at burning fat at a faster rate. Before we get started there’s a huge myth that I want to bust especially for the beginners watching this video. It’s a myth that you can target a particular area of your body for fat burning. What I mean is that there’s no exercise out there that will target specifically belly fat. No such exercise in the world. There are exercises that are better at burning overall body fat, and I’ll go over those exercises with you today, but your body is going to pull from fat stores from all different areas. Also unfortunately medial areas of the body like the belly, butt, upper thighs, and love handles are last spots to go. You’re likely to lose fat off your face before you start losing it from your belly. Don’t worry though as you burn away more and more excess body fat, you eventually start burning fat from those problem areas, and that’s when you’ll lose the belly fat. The point is to lose belly fat you have to concentrate on losing overall body fat..that’s all you can do, and these exercises are the best body fat burning exercises that I know of. So let’s get started. As always I will be going over regressions at the end, so if you’re a beginner and you can’t do some of the exercises don’t worry there will be alternatives later.

Top 5 BEST Exercises to LOSE BELLY FAT & WEIGHT at HOME FAST for men, women, teenagers, and kids in gym

1. 4 Step Up & Overs + 4 Mountain Climber

2. The Mayweather Standup

3. Alternating Kneel Downs + Squat Jump

 4. Sprawl & Alternating Sit Through

5. Dumbbell Weighted Burpees

For the first exercise, all we need is a platform to step up on. You’re going to face the platform sideways at a ninety-degree angle, and step up with the foot closest to the platform. As you come up you want to explode off of that foot and hop up & over as you switch your feet. Repeat this 4 times and then immediately hit the ground and perform 4 mountain climbers. Make sure you jump your feet far enough in on the mountain climbers, remember we want to be climbing mountains, not anthills. Repeat this cycle of 4 and 4 for 10 reps. You can make this exercise far more effective by adding some dumbbells to the movement. This should definitely get that heart racing.

On the next one we’re gonna do a Mayweather stand up. They’re actually called Mayweather situps but I said no crunches, so I’m sticking to it. This exercise has fat burning benefits not because there’s a setup involved, but because it’s working a lot of large muscles and getting your heart rate high. You’re going to get your feet under something that will hold them down and hold a weight directly above your head. Swing the weight toward your feet as you sit up, bring the weight out in front of you, and stand up. Squat and sit back down to the floor to repeat the movement for at least 10 reps.

Moving on to the next one we have a real leg blasting exercise. You’re going to start by lunging backward and kneeling down on one knee. Bring your other knee back so that you’re kneeling on both knees. The same foot that you used to Lunge backward steps up into a forward lunge. Stand up and bring both feet together shoulder-width apart squat down and jump up as high as you can. As soon as you land backward lunge now with the other leg and perform the exercise on the other side. If it gets confusing and feels like too many steps you can just stick to doing one side at a time until you get the hang of it.

Next, we have one that looks really complicated but once you get it its a piece of cake. Try to take it Step by step and remember if you can’t do it there will be regressions at the end. Start standing and perform a sprawl. Put your hands on the ground and jump out with your feet wide and elbows locked out while simultaneously dropping your hips, now raise your hips into a downward dog position…pick one hand and your opposite foot off the ground…take your foot and kick it through as you rotate your body. Bring your elbow into your ribs, and tap your butt on the ground,

Check out my client Rebecca’s transformation where he lost a whole bunch of fat.

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My passion for fitness began when I was 14 years old. I naturally fell in love with training and haven’t stopped since. At 18 years I acquired my first personal training certification from ACE after which I opened my first of 3 transformation studios in 2011. I love to share my knowledge through personal training, my online courses, and youtube channel now with over 3,000,000 subscribers! I can happily say that we've helped over 15,000 people get in great shape over the years. I'm always here for my customers so if you need help don't hesitate to send your questions to

Founder // Gravity Transformation, Max Posternak