So you’re trying to get down to 6 to 8 percent body fat. And in today’s video I want to focus on exactly how you should eat to hit the lowest body fat percentage possible. Throughout the last 10 years my body fat percentage has consistently remained low, and at certain points really low through the methods I’m about to share with you today.

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However for your body to actually use stored body fat working out takes a backseat to diet. Now before I give you the exact way that you should be eating let’s first quickly talk about what 6 to 8% body fat looks like and what it actually means. There are a bunch of different ways to test out your body fat percentage but one of the most recognized and most accurate ways is through a DEXA scan. There are a bunch of people that have already posted YouTube videos in which they get their DEXA scan results and I want to provide a side-by-side comparison so you can see how body fat percentages are one inaccurate even on a DEXA scan and 2 they’re kind of irrelevant. You’ll see what I mean by this comparison. I’m going to compare Conor McGregor a ufc fighter to Greg Gallagher a popular intermittent fasting advocate to Jamie Alderton whos a natural bodybuilder. All these guys got their DEXA scan results and McGregor came up at 7 %. Gallagher came up at 8.1% and Jamie Alderton came up at 10.8%. If I were to line up these guys pictures I would assume that a competitive bodybuilder like Jamie Alderton would have the lowest body fat percentage. And I would also assume that Conor McGregor would have the highest body fat percentage. These are just three examples but there are tons of these examples in which even the more accurate DEXA scan doesn’t seem very accurate at all. On top of that many people are under the impression that the lower the body fat percentage the more ripped and jacked you look. However part of looking “shredded” is about how much muscle mass you have on your body and how you hold your overall body fat. There are people that truly are 7% yet they look worse than someone that’s 12% just because of the way that the fat is distributed across their body and how their muscles look. With all that said I’m imagining that you’re probably not going to get a Dexa scan. To track your body fat percentage you’re probably going to be using either calipers or a bioelectrical impedance analysis both of which are considered far less accurate than a DEXA scan. Even though any one of these tests can be used and progress can be measured as long as you stick to the same testing method they are inaccurate. One thing you don’t want to do is you don’t want to track via bioelectrical impedance and then a month later using the calipers. You gotta stick to one test. But even though they can be used as a comparison to measure progress the actual number that you get as your result doesn’t really mean all that much in relation to Aesthetics.

There are so many marketing campaigns aimed at convincing guys that unless their body fat percentage is in the low single-digits they have to buy a certain product to get there. However, something that you should know is that being at a low body fat percentage 4 a competition and maintaining it on a daily basis are two completely different things. Our bodies need a certain percentage of fat in order to be able to function: Women need about 13 percent body fat and men about 3 percent. This is considered the essential body fat that you need to survive. In addition to essential body fat, a body also needs stored fat. With stored fat taken into account, when overall body fat levels drop lower than 14 percent for women and 8 percent for men, health risks increase, including everything from reproductive dysfunction to dehydration, starvation, loss of muscle tissue, premature osteoporosis, and organ and nerve damage. So, first of all, you should ask yourself why you want to be at such a low body fat percentage, to begin with? And the second thing you should do is recognize that maintaining such a low body fat percentage on a day-to-day basis is unrealistic overrated unhealthy and completely unnecessary.

Check out my client Chelsea’s transformation where he lost a whole bunch of fat.

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My passion for fitness began when I was 14 years old. I naturally fell in love with training and haven’t stopped since. At 18 years I acquired my first personal training certification from ACE after which I opened my first of 3 transformation studios in 2011. I love to share my knowledge through personal training, my online courses, and youtube channel now with over 3,000,000 subscribers! I can happily say that we've helped over 15,000 people get in great shape over the years. I'm always here for my customers so if you need help don't hesitate to send your questions to

Founder // Gravity Transformation, Max Posternak