Today I’m going to go over if you should be taking creatine and which creatine is best for your particular goals. First let’s start by acknowledging the fact that you do not NEED creatine. You don’t really need any kind of supplements to get results but creatine is one of the few supplements that can actually help. It is also one of the most widely researched supplements available on the market with one of the highest proven success rates. So what are some reasons for you to take creatine? If you’re trying to bulk up your muscles and you want to help your muscles grow faster then that’s a good time to take creatine. If you’re trying to increase your strength and set some new PRS then that’s a good time to take creatine as well. If you want to increase your energy to perform higher intensity workouts, again that’s a good time to take creatine. There is also even some evidence that creatine can help reduce inflammation after a workout which can help speed up your recovery. Some studies also report that creatine has neuroprotective functions, and it can Enhance bone regeneration… so if you break any bones you know what supplement to turn to. Now if you’re cutting or trying to look like you have really defined muscles then you may want to be careful with what creatine you take because certain types of creatine can increase your water weight and make you look bloated, which will take away a lot of that definition that your striving for. Creatine monohydrate is a type of creatine that actually is known to have that bloating effect. Even though it does have this side effect, I usually recommend creatine monohydrate because it is the type of creatine used in the majority of the creative research and studies. Also even though there are many new types of creatine.. monohydrate is still the most widely used. Regardless it is still worth it to take a look at the other types available on the market. Micronized creatine is probably the second most popular form. The only difference is that the creatine molecules have been cut up or divided. This makes it easier and faster for your body to absorb and also reduces any kind of stomach discomfort. Next we got creatine phosphate which is supposed to give you more energy than regular monohydrate. The reality is that creatine phosphate has never been shown in studies to be more effective than monohydrate and it’s much more expensive. Another form of creatine is creatine citrate and this is supposed to be one of the more absorbable forms of creatine. If you have a lot of stomach discomfort when taking creatine give this one a shot. As you can see there’s a whole bunch of different types of creatine and we’re not even close to done yet. Creatine Ethyl Ester is a form of creatine that is supposed to be ten times as absorbable as monohydrate. Unfortunately there are no studies to back this claim up. However many do claim that you don’t need as much of a dose, it’s easier to absorb, and you don’t get that bloated look when taking it. Next is kre alkalyn which is supposed to be the most absorbable form of creatine. Reported benefits include a faster absorption rate, no loading phase, no creatine bloat, and immediate results. Another form of creatine is creatine serum which is reported to have mixed results. Some people say it works and some people say it doesn’t work at all. This creatine has been dissolved in water and usually has added vitamins and amino acids. Then we got Creatine hydrochloride which is creatine bound with hydrochloric acid. It’s turned into a basic creatine molecule in your stomach and while it may be more water soluble than creatine monohydrate, no research has yet proven it to be any more effective. Creatine nitrate is similar except its bound to a nitrate group making it supposedly again more absorbable. And Once again there’s no research to back this up. The last form of creatine that I’m going to talk about today is creatine effervescent which is basically creatine combined with sugar salt and a chemical that makes it bubble which supposedly helps with its absorption. Again not proven and It’s also extremely expensive.

Okay, so now that I’ve laid out all the different types of creatine I know that you’re probably more confused than before you started watching this video. And that’s understandable but basically, all these different forms of creatine are the same except some claim to be more absorbable.

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My passion for fitness began when I was 14 years old. I naturally fell in love with training and haven’t stopped since. At 18 years I acquired my first personal training certification from ACE after which I opened my first of 3 transformation studios in 2011. I love to share my knowledge through personal training, my online courses, and youtube channel now with over 3,000,000 subscribers! I can happily say that we've helped over 15,000 people get in great shape over the years. I'm always here for my customers so if you need help don't hesitate to send your questions to

Founder // Gravity Transformation, Max Posternak