30 06, 2019

8 BEST Tricep Exercises


8 BEST Tricep Exercises Check out my client Seth's transformation where he gained a whole bunch of muscle Most people believe that to get bigger arms all they have to do is rep out tons of bicep curls, and then follow up every bicep workout with the perfect magical supplement that promises to add [...]

8 BEST Tricep Exercises2022-01-08T17:59:24-05:00
15 07, 2018

8 Gym Exercises (YOU’RE DOING WRONG!) | Gravity Transformation


8 Gym Exercises (YOU'RE DOING WRONG!) Check out my client Jason Stone's transformation where he gained a whole bunch of muscle We've all seen that guy in the gym bench pressing a ton of weight with hardly any range of motion. Or the spotter that rips the weight off on every rep even when [...]

8 Gym Exercises (YOU’RE DOING WRONG!) | Gravity Transformation2022-01-08T18:51:17-05:00