25 08, 2018

Stop Training Abs Like This! (5 Mistakes)


Stop Training Abs Like This! (5 Mistakes) Check out my client Seth's transformation where he gained a whole bunch of muscle If you're working your abs like most people at the gym you really have to stop. Because most people are making fundamental mistakes that are preventing them from building a pronounced six-pack [...]

Stop Training Abs Like This! (5 Mistakes)2022-01-08T18:44:13-05:00
28 07, 2018

10 Lies You Still Believe About 6 Pack Abs | Gravity Transformation


10 Lies You Still Believe About 6 Pack Abs Check out my client Seth’s transformation where he gained a whole bunch of muscle Unfortunately, as I'm sure many of you already know there are a lot of myths misconceptions and flat-out lies in the fitness industry especially when it comes to the topic of [...]

10 Lies You Still Believe About 6 Pack Abs | Gravity Transformation2022-01-08T18:49:47-05:00