23 02, 2017

12% Body Fat ≠ 6 Pack Abs MYTH | Gravity Transformation


12% Body Fat ≠ 6 Pack Abs MYTH Check out my client Jeff's transformation where he put on a whole bunch of muscle This is a video that I wanted to do for a while because this  12% myth has spread all over the internet and now you have a bunch of people that [...]

12% Body Fat ≠ 6 Pack Abs MYTH | Gravity Transformation2022-01-08T21:04:59-05:00
19 09, 2016

How to Lose Weight Overnight for Teenagers | Best Way to Lose Belly Fat and Get Abs Fast for Teenage


How to Lose Weight Overnight for Teenagers Check out my client Ben's transformation where he lost a whole bunch of fat. Teenagers are the topic for this video and let me tell you right off the bat... the beauty of being a teenager is that you have a lot of time to achieve your [...]

How to Lose Weight Overnight for Teenagers | Best Way to Lose Belly Fat and Get Abs Fast for Teenage2022-01-08T21:18:23-05:00
14 03, 2016

TRUTH on How to Get Abs | IMPOSSIBLE? | Gravity Transformation


TRUTH on How to Get Abs | IMPOSSIBLE? Check out my client khalid's transformation where he put on a whole bunch of muscle Yes, it is true that everyone watching this video already has abs no matter how much excess fat you have on your body. But it's also true that everyone has biceps [...]

TRUTH on How to Get Abs | IMPOSSIBLE? | Gravity Transformation2022-01-09T11:20:28-05:00