29 09, 2018

How Much Rest Between Sets | Gravity Transformation


How Much Rest Between Sets Is it better to take shorter or Longer breaks between your sets if you're trying to build more muscle? What about for fat loss is it better to move between your sets at a faster pace or do you want to take your time and fully recover before moving on [...]

How Much Rest Between Sets | Gravity Transformation2022-01-08T18:38:10-05:00
8 02, 2016

PERFECT Post Workout Meal | What to Eat After a Workout | Gravity Transformation


PERFECT Post Workout Meal | What to Eat After a Workout Check out my client khalid's transformation where he put on a whole bunch of muscle Let me start by explaining a little about post-workout nutrition. The post-workout period is a crucial time for you to get the proper nutrients into your muscles. During [...]

PERFECT Post Workout Meal | What to Eat After a Workout | Gravity Transformation2022-01-09T11:24:36-05:00