Check out my client Tom’s transformation where he lost a whole bunch of fat.

If there was a way to burn much more fat from every one of your workouts wouldn’t you want to make sure that you knew exactly how to do it.

Well, today I’m not sharing just one way, but 5, 5 different ways that you can lose more weight and burn more fat from all of your workouts.

Of course, we all know that diet is very important for fat loss, but why not get more out of the time that you spend in the gym while as well? Well, that’s exactly what we’re going for today.

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The first way is by working out on an empty stomach, and even though some people deny the benefits of fasted training I’m still a big fan because there is research to suggest that it can help you burn much more fat.

And I’ll link up all those studies below, but the main reason that fasted cardio and fasted training helps is due to low insulin levels.

Insulin is a fat storage hormone and fat loss is also blocked when insulin levels are elevated. When we work out in a fasted state insulin levels are at their lowest allowing for greater fat mobilization.

This has to do with your insulin levels being low and with the fact that when you do eat your body will be able to use the nutrients for recovery.

So rather than storing glucose as fat, your body will replenish the depleted glycogen stores in your muscles and your liver.

Training fasted will also give many of you more energy for your workout because you won’t use any energy before the workout digesting food.

Digestion requires a lot more energy than most people think, that’s why after you have a big meal all you want to do is go to sleep.

To get the most fat loss out of fasted training you don’t want to eat immediately after you’re finished. In fact, this is exactly why many studies on fasted training are flawed.

They have people eating right after training rather than continuing to fast. I usually do a fasted workout in the morning and don’t eat until night time.

This may be to difficult for some of you, and if it is don’t worry you can just do intermittent fasting where you could do your workout in the morning and then not eat for a few hours until your eating window starts at around 1 o clock.

However this can be avoided by drinking some branch chain amino acids before your workout. Keep in mind that even if you train fasted, but then overeat for the rest of the day, you won’t be burning more fat.

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The next way to burn more fat is by working out in glycogen depleted state. When your body is depleted of glycogen it begins to break down fat for energy at a much higher rate.

You can achieve this by performing cardio after you do your weight training workout. When you lift weights your body mostly breaks down and uses glycogen for energy.

You only have a limited supply of glycogen in your muscles and your liver. Once you delete it through your weight training workout you have more of a direct line of access to your fat stores when doing the cardio right after.

You can combo this depleted glycogen state with fasted training for an even more effective fat burning workout.

This would be done by doing weights followed by cardio in the morning in a fasted state. Another way to burn more fat is to get more from each one of your sets

so we can get more done in less time. We can accomplish this by doing drop sets, supersets, and rest pause sets.

Let’s start with drop sets. Here you would do a regular set of an exercise until failure and then as soon as you hit failure you drop the weight by about 25 to 30 percent and then do another set until failure.

It’s important to keep in mind that 25 to 30 percent isn’t the magic number. Sometimes you’ll be so tired after a few dropsets that you will have to drop down further in order to hit enough reps before you fail,

and other times taking off 25 percent would make the exercise to easy and you never come close to the point of failure,

so make sure you keep that in mind when choosing how much your dropping and make adjustments as you go.

With supersets, you would just do two different exercises back to back with no break in between those two exercises.

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You can choose to focus on the same muscle groups for both sets or you can combine exercises that work on different muscle groups.

Regardless by not taking a break between the two exercises you will increase your heart rate, burn more calories, and get more done in less time.

And with rest pause sets you would choose a weight that you could normally only do for roughly 6 to seven reps.

This allows you to get more total reps within a shorter amount of time and it’s also an excellent way to shock your body.

Supersets, drop sets, and rest pause training are all great ways to burn more calories and get more out of every one of your sets,

but let’s move on to something that can be even more effective at burning calories. Combining an element of cardio into your weight training routine.

For every set you do you immedately would follow it up with an aerobic exercise that gets you breathing heavy.

Then you would take a break. Even though this is technically under the category of a superset, most of the time when people do supersets they combine two weight training based movements.

However, by throwing in a body weight aerobics movement you can usually get your heart rate even higher ultimately leading to more calories being burnt.

Just a few sets of these and you’ll notice a big difference in your breathing rate and in the intensity of the workout.

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Let’s move on to one of the most basic ways that you can increase the amount of fat you burn from specifically your weight training workouts.

This is done by focusing on compound movements over isolation movements. You’ll be incorporating a lot more muscles into the workout causing your body to burn more calories during the workout and after its over.

Now when I say compound movements most people assume that I’m talking about doing bench press over a chest fly, or a barbell squat over leg extensions,

and even though these are compound movements that’ll burn more calories than isolation movements, there are exercises that are available to you that recruit a lot more muscle groups.

I usually refer to these exercises under the category of multijoint training even though they are still technically compound movements.

An exercise like a barbell clean and press is a perfect example because it incorporates almost every muscle group in your body.

As a general rule of thumb even though isolation exercises will allow you to focus more on building a specific muscle or a specific part of that muscle,

compound movements will usually have you lifting more weight making the activity more intense, and it’ll involve more joints and muscle groups allowing you to burn more calories from your workout.

I know there’s a lot of advice out there for people looking to build muscle, but not quite as much for those of you that are looking to specifically burn fat.

If your only goal is to burn fat you should be sticking primarily to compound multi joint exercises and for the most part you should stay away from isolation exercises.

but the majority of your workout should still mostly be compound lifts. Especially because compound lifts will help you build more muscle as well.

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Up next we have Pha which stands for peripheral heart action training. Here you would once again combine two different exercises back to back with no break,

but you would want to combine either an upper and lower body movement or you would want to combine a posterior and anterior movement.

When you do an exercise for your upper body like bench press, for example, your heart pumps blood to your chest shoulders and triceps.

If you immediately follow up bench press with a lower body exercise like barbell squats, Your heart has to now pull all that blood back to the lower body.

This means that you would combine a movement like bench press that works the front of your body with a movement like barbell rows which works the back part of your body.

Even though it’s not quite as intense as combining an upper and a lower body movement the same idea applies here.

You’ll be pumping blood to your chest shoulders and triceps during the bench press and when you immediately switch to rows your body has to push blood to your rhomboids, your traps, and your biceps.

 That’s it guys, I really hope this trick has helped you guys out and if you’re serious about burning fat you have to understand that it’s not only about working out, but it’s also about following a proper diet plan.

On my website, I have a challenge that on average is helping my clients lose 20 pounds or 5 percent body fat in just 6 weeks. And luckily there’s an at-home version of the program included.

Right now for a limited time, we’re running this 6-week challenge for free all you gotta do to earn it is stick to the plan.

We include a diet plan, a workout plan, and an accountability coach to guide you through the whole process.

And the challenge makes you hold yourself accountable by having something to lose. Most people fail diet plans because when the going gets tough there’s no incentive to stick it out.

Our challenge is designed to tackle this psychological roadblock that many people have. It shouldn’t be information that you’re after it should be incentive, momentum, and motivation.

The fact that you have to earn the challenge makes people actually follow through on what they say they’re going to do from day one to day 42.

Join 30,000+ people that have changed their bodies and lives with my Free 6 Week Shred

My passion for fitness began when I was 14 years old. I naturally fell in love with training and haven’t stopped since. At 18 years I acquired my first personal training certification from ACE after which I opened my first of 3 transformation studios in 2011. I love to share my knowledge through personal training, my online courses, and youtube channel now with over 3,000,000 subscribers! I can happily say that we've helped over 15,000 people get in great shape over the years. I'm always here for my customers so if you need help don't hesitate to send your questions to support@gravitychallenges.com

Founder // Gravity Transformation, Max Posternak

Studies that support fasted training:

