FAT CUTTER Bedtime Drink to Lose Belly Fat Overnight
Check out my client Chelsea’s transformation where he lost a whole bunch of fat.

I bet you’ve heard about or seen videos about detox drinks that’ll help you lose weight and belly fat overnight. But, I bet you’ve never seen a detox drink like this one.
Why? Well, because this article is based on facts. Crazy, right?
Don’t just take my word that this drink will magically help you lose weight. I want to show you how you lose weight and the kind of weight you’ll be losing.
The best way to do that is by taking a closer look at each ingredient that goes into these “fat burning drink” recipes.
Ingredients in Fat Burning Drinks
Typically there are 6 ingredients in every one of these drinks:
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Lemon
- Cucumber
- Ginger
- Aloe Vera Juice
- Parsley/Cilantro
Some of the recipes will only have a couple of these ingredients, not necessarily all of them.
I’ve also seen recipes in which cinnamon is added as well. The idea behind this drink and similar ones is that when you go to sleep your metabolism slows down.

This is true. We know that when we’re sleeping, our metabolism is a lot slower than when we’re working out or walking, or even sitting upright.
Therefore, the idea is that this drink is supposed to boost your metabolism while sleeping and increase the number of calories you burn while you sleep.
Let’s go over each ingredient to make sure that this isn’t a waste of time.
Ingredient #1: Apple Cider Vinegar
1-2 tablespoons of Apple Cider Vinegar is the general consumption amount. The idea behind this is that it’s supposed to help with your digestion, increase metabolism, give you more energy, and lower your appetite.

The truth is that the effect on your metabolism is going to be minimal. The only thing that has been shown in studies to truly significantly increase metabolism is lean body mass. This is also referred to as muscle mass.
As far as helping you lose weight, there’s no conclusive evidence that apple cider vinegar will help you burn more fat. But, it is a fact that apple cider vinegar is a natural diuretic.
Ingredient #2: Lemon and Ginger
One lemon and a tablespoon of minced ginger are used in the drink because it is known to boost your metabolism and help improve your body’s ability to absorb nutrients. Ginger is also used to help you prevent overeating. Now, is any of this true?
Well, lemons can reduce bloating. They also help alkalize your body and are a natural, mild form of a diuretic.

As far as metabolism is concerned, drinking more water throughout the day and adding lemon to it can increase your metabolism slightly. It is so slight that it’s not gonna make any sort of a difference at all. Maybe you’ll be able to have an extra stalk of celery for the day level of slight.
Ingredient #3: Cucumber
One cucumber is added in because it’s believed to be effective at eliminating excess water retention which could slim down your waistline.
What’s the truth about cucumbers? They are low in calories and are again a natural diuretic when added to water.

Ingredient #4: Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe Vera Juice is added to the drink to absorb many antioxidants and also reduce inflammation and bloating.

The truth is that most Aloe juices that you see at your grocery store are loaded with so much sugar that it might as well be considered water and sugar with a tiny bit of aloe vera.
But, even if you got aloe vera at the drugstore, it is supposed to help lower inflammation. However, the main thing it is is a diuretic. Can you see where I’m going here?
Ingredient #5: Parsley and Cilantro
Parsley and cilantro are there because they are full of vitamins and minerals while being low in calories, and they are also diuretic. They help expel water from your body.
How do you think they help expel water? The thing is, they actually are also high in magnesium which can also help you drop water weight.
But, almost all green vegetables are high in magnesium. Furthermore, almost all green watery veggies will make you go to the bathroom more.
Ingredient #6: Cinnamon
Lastly, Cinnamon is believed to help increase your metabolism. The detox crowd believes it’s supposed to help you target more belly fat, and lower insulin levels if you have it instead of sugar.

Lowering your insulin levels by lowering sugar intake for the day makes sense, however, you should know that no studies prove conclusively that cinnamon or honey for that matter can help you lose weight.
The Actual Magic in Detox drinks
Now that we’ve examined all the ingredients that go into these “magic” weight loss detox drinks that you see all over the internet and YouTube, do you see now how people are losing inches off their waistline and weight off the scale very fast in the first week of drinking this stuff?
If you don’t see it yet, I’ll tell you. The drink is a diuretic.
You’re going to be losing water weight. Now, if that’s what you were going for then by all means make yourself the drink.
I’m not saying that it isn’t full of vitamins, antioxidants and minerals. But, the only way it’s going to help you lose weight is by eliminating water weight.
Just because it is healthy, doesn’t mean it’s going to help you burn fat. I’m almost certain that all of you are more interested in actually burning fat, not just losing water weight.
Unfortunately, there is no way that a drink like this or any sort of detox drink is going to make you burn belly fat unless you follow a diet and exercise.

In which case that drink becomes only an aid to your weight loss, it’s not the cause.
If you hate the truth, you can just go right back to surfing the web and read a bunch of articles about magical weight loss drinks that work with 0 evidence to support the claims.
However, if you want to actually see results, you need to follow a diet and workout plan that fits your preferences. Take the quiz by clicking the link below to get a free macro diet plan that’ll help you get started.