How Many Times a Week Should You Workout

Check out my client Christina’s transformation where he lost a whole bunch of fat.

How many times a week should you workout to achieve the fastest and best results possible? That’s a question that I’m asked almost on a daily basis.

Should I workout every single day should I only work out 3 times a week what’s the best method?

Well in today’s video I’m going answer this question in a way that’ll end this debate once and for all.

Let’s start by taking a look at the pros and cons of working out more frequently. Is there a benefit of working out 7 days a week?

Most people would say no because you’re not giving your body any time to recover and Recovery is when your muscles grow.

People very rarely consider the impact of momentum on their Fitness routine. You guys have heard an object in motion stays in motion unless acted on by an external force

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and the same thing vice versa an object at rest stays at rest again unless acted on by an external force.

Well, when you work out 7 days a week contrary to popular belief it’s super easy to never miss workouts.

The main reason why is because we’re creatures of habit and another reason why is because you have to spend zero time debating about whether to work out that day or not.

So you don’t tax any willpower. It’s just a set part of your day every day you go to the gym and you get your workout in, no questions asked.

It’s just part of your routine, the habits that you engage in every single day. Believe it or not, this can be super powerful I’ve done both working out 3 days a week

and working out 7 days a week and believe it or not sometimes it was harder for me to make it to my 3 days a week then it was for me to make it to the gym every single day.

And this is again attributed only to forward momentum. Momentum is something that’s not really talked about enough and it’s a shame because it really matters.

To illustrate the power of momentum the reverse of working out every day would be not working out for let’s say the last year.

I think we can all agree that getting your butt back into the gym after not working out for a year is about a billion times harder than getting to the gym after not working out for a day.

The reason for that is because of momentum. Another advantage of working out every day is that you have the ability to hit your muscle groups more frequently.

So if you’re trying to build muscle especially as a natural, to stimulate protein synthesis you’re going to have to work out more frequently.

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The best results that I’ve gotten in regard to building muscle have always come from hitting each of my muscle groups twice a week.

Whenever I would try to hit my muscle groups once a week my progress would slow down.

With a split routine like chest and back on one-day legs on the next day and then biceps triceps and shoulders on the third day you can just take a day off and repeat that for a second time within one week.

This will cause your muscles to get twice the amount of stimulation allowing you to build muscle faster as a natural lifter.

So working out more frequently like 6 days a week or even every day does have a lot of benefits but there are cons as well.

If you work out every day you’re going to have a really tough time on the days that you’re inevitably sore from one of your previous workouts.

This could eventually lead to what’s called over-reaching which is the precursor to overtraining. When you start overreaching and eventually when you over-train it’s like hitting a wall.

all your energy is gone and you start getting less and fewer returns even though you’re putting in more and more work at the gym.

That’s why even if you are working out every day you should plan an occasional rest day or even a full week of rest. Resting for a week could really do you a lot of good.

You may be surprised when you come back even stronger because you let your body fully recover.Speaking of strength, working out more frequently is probably not the best strategy for strict strength gains.

If you’re trying to go more so for powerlifting strength gains… 3 days a week will probably be way better of a strategy for you to follow

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because that will allow the optimal amount of time for not only your muscles to recover but for your whole nervous system to recover so you can walk in and grab the heaviest load possible on your training days.

Another huge benefit of working out less frequently is simply that you don’t have to worry about working out every single day.

Even when you get into the routine of working out 6 days a week or 7 days a week it may feel on some days like you’re spending a huge portion of your life at the gym.

By working out 3 days a week you can still achieve amazing results both in the form of muscle-building benefits and fat loss while still having a life outside the gym.

if going to the gym more frequently is not for you-you could still find ways to stimulate your muscle fibers just as much as a plan that calls for more frequency.

For example, you could increase the intensity your sets your reps and your overall training volume.this will allow you to use the 3 days that you spend at the gym at maximum efficiency so you can reap maximum benefits.

Keep in mind though that even with three days a week you can still overtrain and hinder your performance.

this is where being intuitive and listening to your body comes into play. whether you choose to work out 3 days a week or every day on the days where you know you need a break you should take that break.

If you’re going to the gym 6 days a week or every day then your best bet is going to be to do split training. if you don’t incorporate split training then you’re going to have to incorporate some cardio days to allow your muscles to rest from the weights.

However, if you’re only doing 3 days a week at the gym you can incorporate all total body workouts.So I’m sure this is all a lot of information to digest.

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Let me simplify this for you if you’re looking for hypertrophy or if you’re looking for gains you’re going to be better off working out more frequently like 6 days a week.

this way you give yourself time to really break down your muscle groups twice a week. If you’re looking more so for strength or for a full body weight training routine

then you’re going to be better off taking more time to recover. So 3 days a week would be best for those far as fat loss goes you can achieve that and obviously health benefits with both 3 days a week and a more frequent training strategy.

Fat loss has a lot more to do with your diet than with how many days a week of your training.

While it is true that training more often can help you burn some extra calories it’s also true that training at a higher intensity will also burn more calories.

That’s it I really hope this tip has helped you guys out and also make sure that you visit our website gravity

where you can get done for you workout and meal plans that are proven to workTalk to you guys soon. Committed To Your Success,

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My passion for fitness began when I was 14 years old. I naturally fell in love with training and haven’t stopped since. At 18 years I acquired my first personal training certification from ACE after which I opened my first of 3 transformation studios in 2011. I love to share my knowledge through personal training, my online courses, and youtube channel now with over 3,000,000 subscribers! I can happily say that we've helped over 15,000 people get in great shape over the years. I'm always here for my customers so if you need help don't hesitate to send your questions to

Founder // Gravity Transformation, Max Posternak