How to Stop Hunger & Cravings

Today I’m going to give you the three most powerful tips to stop hunger and food cravings once and for all.

The third tips I think is the most important to make sure you watch the video all the way through. And I ‘m not talking about tips like drinking a lot of water,

not skipping breakfast and eating more protein I’m talking about taking an approach that’s actually gonna get you to want to stick to your diet plan.

It’s no secret that in almost every study done on dieting most people fail their diet plan in the long run.

It’s also true that in each of these studies there’s always a group of people that are able to lose a lot of weight and maintain that weight loss over a long period of time.

Check out my client Guy’s transformation where he lost a whole bunch of fat.

The same plan will not work for everyone and unfortunately, most studies are done comparing people that are all doing a similar type of diets such as a low-carb diet

or a low-fat diet. So there isn’t much flexibility in those diets. Flexibility is a huge thing that has to be taken into account for a long-term diet.

The best diet is the type of diet where you don’t feel like you’re dieting at all. And no that diet is not keto paleo  Weight Watchers or vegetarian.

I might be great at sticking to paleo but terrible at sticking to Keto and for someone else it might be the other way around.

you’re probably fighting biological impulses of hunger, triggering starvation mechanisms in your body, and chances are high that you’re going to binge sooner or later.

Eventually, you have to find a way to have flexibility in your diet and when I say flexible dieting there are lots of different things that come to mind like If It Fits your Macros or intermittent fasting for example,

but I’m not even talking about that. I’m talking about eventually finding a way to diet without feeling like your dieting.

I wanna give you 3 tips right now that are truly incredibly powerful ways to help you keep your diet flexible without thinking about it.

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Okay, so tip number one is to recognize the difference between brain hunger and body hunger. Your body has an actual need for food that needs to be fulfilled or else you’ll literally starve.

Your mind, on the other hand, doesn’t have any sort of need for food at all. However, it’s always full of wonderful suggestions of what you can eat to satisfy the physiological feeling of hunger that you’re experiencing.

Whenever most of us get hungry especially on a diet our minds don’t think “Oh man, I’m dying for some chicken and broccoli” we think I really want some chocolate, or mac and cheese, or ice cream.

In reality the chicken and broccoli would solve the physical hunger issue much better, but we’re just not wired to think that way while we’re hungry. After we eat its a different story. The mind hunger disapears and we start to see things clearer.

What I mean is when you get hungry, and your mind starts saying “all I want is some Doritos” promise your own mind that you’re going to allow yourself as many Doritos as you want,

but only after eating a wholesome meal made of real single ingredient foods. Preferably high in vegetables and protein to fill you up.

nine times out of ten you’ll notice that after you eat real food your hunger will go away and you won’t even want the junk food that your mind was desperately begging for.

And even if you do still want the Doritos you’re going to have significantly less because your stomach is going to be full of real food.

This makes it super important to solve the physical hunger as fast as you can. If you have fresh healthy meals already prepped it makes it easy to not have to use your willpower to battle your hungry mind.

Again the speed at which you can kill that body hunger is critical. By identifying the difference between your physical feeling of hunger and your minds suggestions you can effectively prevent binge eating.

And binge eating is the downfall of most diet plans and the cause of weight regain after losing weight.

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The second major way that you can battle your hunger and cravings is by staying away from addicting foods.

It’s gonna take a long time before food companies start getting put more under the microscope so to speak.

Until then there are ingredients in our food that are more addicting than others. Even though oreo or candy might taste good

right now I’d be willing to bet that if you stayed away from those snacks for a consistent enough amount of time when you would come back to them you would literally get sick.

 What’s worse is that these artificial flavors and excess amounts of sugar get your taste buds used to a crazy amount of stimulation.

And then with real food like fruit, it becomes impossible to match the dopamine release you get from the unnatural sources full of added sugar.

Luckily you can reset your palate, by staying away from these addicting ingredients for a consistent period of time.

Cheese is another one that has shown to have some addicting effects so keep that in mind too. Finally, the last tip is back to what I was saying in the very beginning about Flexible dieting.

 Rotate your food sources to enjoy all of them without overconsuming. What I mean by that is even junk food has a place in a well-balanced diet.

After you already reset your palate and aren’t dealing with food addiction you can eat those snacks you enjoy in moderation.

You can eat things like pasta, bread, and cereal if you simply balance it out with your other meals.

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The last thing you want to do is plan a long term diet with restrictions. Because when you tell yourself not to think of a purple elephant what’s the first thing you think of.

Always remember the most successful long term dieters are the ones that don’t even feel or seem like they’re dieting.

There’s always a way to balance your food intake out whether it takes you a day or week you can balance it out.

With strategies like fasting and if it fits your macros at your disposal, you can always balance your intake and allow yourself plenty of treats ultimately preventing you from over-consuming due to scarcity and starvation mechanisms.

Guys one more time because these are important. Tip number one is to identify the difference between your body’s hunger and your minds hunger.

Tip number two is to stay away from processed addicting foods until you reset your palate and after that limit those foods.

And tip number three is to rotate your food sources so you can enjoy a very large satisfying variety of tasty foods.

And one last thing guys this tips was more for long term diet plans. You can be successful with a more restrictive short term diet plan,

and in fact sometimes being restrictive in the short term can help. But ultimately you will have to transition to a flexible dieting model.

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My passion for fitness began when I was 14 years old. I naturally fell in love with training and haven’t stopped since. At 18 years I acquired my first personal training certification from ACE after which I opened my first of 3 transformation studios in 2011. I love to share my knowledge through personal training, my online courses, and youtube channel now with over 3,000,000 subscribers! I can happily say that we've helped over 15,000 people get in great shape over the years. I'm always here for my customers so if you need help don't hesitate to send your questions to

Founder // Gravity Transformation, Max Posternak