23 08, 2017

9 Popular Diet Tips – MAKING YOU FATTER! | Gravity Transformation


9 Popular Diet Tips - MAKING YOU FATTER! Check out my client Sharon’s transformation where he lost a whole bunch of fat. Drink a lot of water, don't eat past 6, avoid carbohydrates, eat small meals, eat more frequently, eat a high protein diet, don't have carbs at night, raise your metabolism with [...]

9 Popular Diet Tips – MAKING YOU FATTER! | Gravity Transformation2022-01-08T20:44:05-05:00
28 06, 2017

5 Dumbest Weight Loss Mistakes Making You FATTER! | Gravity Transformation


5 Dumbest Weight Loss Mistakes Making You FATTER! Check out my client Bryan’s transformation where he lost a whole bunch of fat. We have hundreds if not thousands of diets to choose from including Atkins paleo, vegetarian, the zone, South beach, ketogenic, carb cycling, and Weight Watchers. We have access to an infinite [...]

5 Dumbest Weight Loss Mistakes Making You FATTER! | Gravity Transformation2022-01-08T20:53:12-05:00