17 05, 2018

5-Minute Workout (Replaces 1 Hr of Cardio)


5-Minute Workout (Replaces 1 Hr of Cardio) Check out my client Miles's transformation where he lost a whole bunch of Fat Do you hate cardio. Listen I totally get it, I used to hate cardio too, until i found a way to decrease the amount of cardio that I do every week to almost [...]

5-Minute Workout (Replaces 1 Hr of Cardio)2022-01-08T19:59:49-05:00
1 03, 2018

3 Weight Loss Tips That’ll CHANGE YOUR LIFE | Gravity Transformation


3 Weight Loss Tips That'll CHANGE YOUR LIFE Check out my client Antonio’s transformation where he lost a whole bunch of fat. If there was a way to lose weight and keep it off without having to think about it wouldn't that change your life? So what I mean is rather than having to constantly [...]

3 Weight Loss Tips That’ll CHANGE YOUR LIFE | Gravity Transformation2022-01-08T20:13:16-05:00