What If You Quit Eating Sugar for 30 DAYS
Check out my client Ben’s transformation where he lost a whole lot of fat and maximized his gains by implementing a sugar-free diet in his routine!

What would happen to your body and mind if you quit eating sugar for just 30 Days?
Do you want to stop what might feel like a sugar addiction, or maybe you’re simply tired of skin problems & acne?
If so, just 10 to 30 days without sugar can have a lasting effect.
Sugar. It’s considered by many as the worst thing you can eat. This is especially true when trying to lose weight and maintaining a healthy body.
Many people claim that sugar is toxic, addictive, and fattening. And that eating too much of it can lead to an impaired immune system, heart disease, and type-2 diabetes.
Naturally, having sugar in moderation is very unlikely to lead to these more serious issues. However, the problem is that most people over-consume sugar.

This is exactly what leads to weight gain and other more severe side effects.
The best way to reduce your desire for sugar is by staying away from it entirely for a set period. This will help you gain self-control to moderate its consumption later on.
In this post, we’re going to go over exactly what you can expect to happen if you quit sugar for just 30 days.
We’ll touch on what will happen to your energy levels, skin, brain, and of course, your body. I’ve narrowed down the list to 6 major changes that you can expect over 30 days without sugar.
#1 Withdrawal and cravings
According to research studies when people quit eating sugar, they describe symptoms of withdrawal. [14]
They also describe having strong food cravings especially for carbohydrates, chocolate, and sugar.
These studies also mention that eating any of these things can trigger relapse and binge eating. This is all tied to the effect that sugar has on the brain.
You see, there’s a reason why eating sugar feels good. It’s because it activates the pleasure and reward center of your brain and stimulates the release of dopamine.

When this happens, the sugar produces a kind of “high” that makes you feel good. While this high is not as intense as when you use a drug, the same mechanisms are at play.
Now, what if you’ve been stimulating these pathways continuously for years, and then suddenly you quit eating sugar cold turkey?
That could cause intense sugar cravings because your body isn’t used to the absence of sugar. In that sense, sugar kind of works like a drug.
Studies in rats do show that sugar is addictive, just like other drugs.[7] The researchers found that, under certain circumstances, rats can become dependent on sugar.
This dependency correlates with several aspects of addiction. These include the cycle of having cravings, binging, and then having withdrawal symptoms.
So, if you plan to quit sugar, keep in mind that you’ll probably be hit by sugar cravings pretty early on.

Luckily, these cravings will disappear quickly. It usually takes just 3-5 days for them to drop down significantly.
So, make sure to push through that desire to satisfy your sweet tooth, because it will fade with a bit of time.
#2 Mental clarity improvements
The second thing that you’ll notice when quitting sugar is a massive improvement in mental clarity.
This was shown in a recent UCLA study. Researchers concluded that a low sugar intake benefits both memory and learning.[8] This is likely because the brain is dependent on sugar as its main fuel.
Thinking, memory, and learning are all closely linked to glucose levels and how efficiently the brain uses it. If there isn’t enough glucose in the brain, communication between neurons becomes faulty.

However, for most healthy people, it’s very rare to experience serious glucose shortages. That’s because, besides the food you eat, your body also stores glucose in your muscles and liver.
Moreover, worst-case scenario, it can even convert amino acids into glucose.
High blood sugar is far more common, and it causes the same breakdown in communication that results in brain fog. This is why, after just a few days of giving up sugar, you will start to feel a big improvement in mental clarity.
This goes hand in hand with the next benefit you’ll experience.
#3 Energy levels improve
According to another study, your energy levels will also improve.
This study found that low-sugar, high-fiber meals help increase energy levels especially for overweight and obese people.[9]
When you eat sugar, you won’t just experience a rapid spike in your blood sugar levels. You’ll also experience a subsequent and rapid drop in blood sugar.

This is what is generally known as a “sugar crash”, or reactive hypoglycemia.
When this happens, it becomes more difficult to focus and concentrate. All you’ll want to do is take a long nap.
By avoiding sugar for 30 days, you avoid these highs and lows. You’ll also find that you have far more reliable and consistent energy levels.
#4 Younger & healthier skin
The next thing that you’ll notice is younger and healthier-looking skin.
Turns out that having too many sweets in your diet can lead to reduced skin elasticity and premature wrinkles.
Studies show that high blood sugar levels lead to the acceleration of a process known as glycation. [11]
In this process, glucose and fructose link the amino acids that are found in collagen and elastin in the skin.

When this happens the skin cells become stiff, discolored, and weak. Ultimately this leads to wrinkles, sagginess, and skin that simply looks older.
It also makes the skin more vulnerable to UV light and cigarette smoke.
Another change to your skin that you may notice after quitting sugar is less acne. A study from the University of Colorado found that increased insulin levels may promote acne. [12]

Eating too much sugar will not only drastically spike insulin levels, but it will also lead to insulin resistance. This makes your body produce even more insulin.
Aside from this and similar studies, there’s also a lot of anecdotal evidence from people. They claim that their acne improved considerably after simply reducing their sugar intake.
#5 Body mass and composition
Let’s move on to the changes you can expect to your body mass and your body composition after quitting sugar.
One of the most obvious is weight loss. You can easily lose 5 or even 10+ pounds in less than a month just by quitting sugar.
Studies show that people who have less sweetened drinks, high-fructose corn syrup, and other sugar-loaded products have a reduced risk of being overweight. [1 – 2]
The reason for this isn’t because sugar calories have some unique fattening quality that other carbohydrates don’t have.
Don’t get me wrong, sugar is very calorie-dense. This means it won’t fill you up which makes it a lot easier to eat too much of it.
Unlike when eating brown rice, for instance – it feels you up more quickly in relation to calorie intake.

To understand this, you have to first understand that there are only three main kinds of carbohydrates – monosaccharides, oligosaccharides, and polysaccharides.
Monosaccharides are the simplest form of sugar that can’t be broken down any further. These will either already be in the form of glucose, or get converted to glucose quickly once into your body.
Examples include table sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, sweetened dairy (like some yogurts), and most fruit.

Oligosaccharides consist of few monosaccharides, linked together in a chain-like structure. You’ll find these mostly in plant-based foods, like legumes and asparagus.
These sugars either don’t get digested at all, or they once again get converted into glucose inside your body. They’re broken down at a slightly slower rate than monosaccharides.
Polysaccharides contain many monosaccharides – around ten or more sugar molecules that are linked together in a chain-like structure.

The most well-known example of this type of carbohydrate is starch, which is found in foods like grains and potatoes. Polysaccharides are also mostly converted to glucose inside the body.
Basically, all carbohydrates, except for the ones that you can’t digest like dietary fiber, end up as glucose. This is regardless of whether you’re eating skittles, a banana, or oatmeal.
Now a word about insulin, which is your fat-storage hormone. If ingested calories are the same for either brown rice or sugar, overall insulin levels won’t rise much differently.
The difference is in the speed of insulin release between the two foods. Thus, a high glycemic index carb, like sugar, shoots your blood sugar and insulin levels really high, really fast. And then they drop really fast, causing you to get hungry.

Conversely, a lower glycemic index carb, like brown rice, won’t spike blood sugar and insulin levels as high as sugar.
But it keeps the blood sugar and insulin levels elevated for longer, helping you stay full.

However, whether you’re full or hungry, over time if calories are matched, blood sugar and insulin response are very similar.
We can see this in a randomized control trial where researchers compared groups on low and high glycemic diets. [13]
It turned out that both high and low-glycemic diets had the same effect on insulin sensitivity. We can see this play out again in two other studies. [4–5]
In both studies, calories and macros were kept equal. The only difference between groups was that one got most of their carbs from simple sugars, the other from starches.
Ultimately, both groups lost the same amount of body fat and maintained the same amount of muscle mass.
Another study published in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition had participants replace complex carbs with simple sugars. Once again, they kept the same overall calorie intake.
And again, they found no changes in body composition between the groups.[6]

At this point you may ask the following question. Why I always recommend low-glycemic sources of carbs over simple sugars, if they produce similar results when calories/macros are equal?
That’s because outside of a lab, where a controlled study is not taking place, calories and macros are rarely matched.
Three Oreos have the same amount of carbs as 1/2 a cup of cooked brown rice. Well, it’s far easier to eat the three Oreos and be hungry for 3 more not even 2 minutes later.
Conversely, eating rice would require relatively more effort, and you’d feel less hungry for more, compared to the Oreos.

This brings us back to the real problem which is the over-consumption of simple sugars.
The average American eats about 82 grams of sugar per day.[3] Since each gram of sugar has four calories, the average American consumes about 328 calories from sugar daily.
Now, what makes this even worse is that sugar doesn’t satisfy hunger effectively, while tasting delicious. So, unlike brown rice, these calories tend to go on top of what someone is already eating.
If you would cut these unhealthy sources of sugar from your diet, you’ll most likely create a negative energy balance.

You’ll also likely reduce your blood sugar and insulin levels, which will lead to a good amount of weight loss.
After 30 days without sugar, you won’t crave it as much. Your taste buds will become more sensitive to it. You’ll also be way more aware of all the hidden sugars in the foods you normally eat.
This will make it easier to eat it in moderation, by controlling your portions. In turn, this will allow you to maintain a healthier weight.
Remember, sugar itself is not the enemy. It’s over-consumption of sugar that creates problems.
#6 Cardiovascular health
The last thing major change that I want to go over is that your cardiovascular health will improve. This will lead to a decreased risk of heart disease.
Most people know that diets high in unhealthy fats can cause heart disease. However, most people don’t know that diets high in sugar can do the same.
A 2014 systematic review and meta-analyses found that higher intakes of sugar were associated with several heart disease risk factors.
These included increased blood triglycerides, total and LDL cholesterol (the “bad” kind of cholesterol), and increased blood pressure.[10]

Put simply, reducing sugar intake reduces your risk of heart disease.
Interestingly, though, the researchers also concluded that the effects of sugar on lipids and blood pressure were relatively modest.
So if you want to optimize your heart health, quitting sugar is a great start.
But it’s still important to adopt further healthier habits. These include things like maintaining a healthy body weight, exercising regularly, and keeping stress levels low.
Concluding notes
That‘s it, guys. I really hope this article has helped you understand a little more about the effect that sugar has on you.
If you’re looking to get into better shape by quitting sugar, you have to remember that other aspects are going to play just as much of a role in the process. These include your diet and workout regimen.
That’s why I’m running a free 6-week challenge. It is helping my clients to lose on average 20 pounds or 5 percent body fat in only 42 days.
This challenge comes with many different elements other than a workout plan. You’re also gonna get a diet plan and a recipe book. These are designed to help you lose fat while maintaining or even gaining muscle.
You’ll also get an accountability coach to guide you through the entire challenge. So you’re probably wondering – what’s the catch?
Well, the “BIG” Catch is that you have to complete the challenge without cheating and without quitting. This is also exactly what you have to do to see the results you’re after.
If you commit yourself to make this transformation, you will get the whole course and the challenge materials for free. To learn more click the link below.
People who have less sweetened drinks, high-fructose corn syrup, and other sugar-loaded products have a reduced risk of being overweight.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15051594
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15328324
The average American has about 82 grams of sugar per day.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23742909
Both high and low-glycemic diets had the same effect on insulin sensitivity.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11477496.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9094871
Replacing complex carbs with simple sugars resulted in the same overall calorie intake. It also caused no changes in body composition.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9174485
Studies in rats show that sugar is addictive, just like other drugs.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17617461
Low sugar intake benefits both memory and learning.
- https://physoc.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1113/jphysiol.2012.230078
Low-sugar, high-fiber meals help increase energy levels, especially for overweight and obese people.
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4551584/
Higher intakes of sugar were associated with several heart disease risk factors.
- https://sci-hub.tw/https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24808490
- Quitting Sugar Can Improve Your Skin:
- Higher Insulin Levels Linked to Acne:
- Low vs High Glycemic Diets Effect on Insulin:
- Quitting Sugar Causes Withdrawal and Cravings:
My passion for fitness began when I was 14 years old. I naturally fell in love with training and haven’t stopped since. At 18 years I acquired my first personal training certification from ACE after which I opened my first of 3 transformation studios in 2011. I love to share my knowledge through personal training, my online courses, and youtube channel now with over 3,000,000 subscribers! I can happily say that we've helped over 15,000 people get in great shape over the years. I'm always here for my customers so if you need help don't hesitate to send your questions to support@gravitychallenges.com