8 11, 2021

9 Steps to Burn Fat Without Losing Muscle


Learn exactly how to lose fat without sacrificing precious muscle mass during a cut or diet. Believe it or not, you can even lose weight and build muscle at the same time. Find out what the science says about burning fat and building muscle simultaneously. This detailed body recomposition strategy can be used to get lean without losing muscle.

9 Steps to Burn Fat Without Losing Muscle2022-01-06T19:33:24-05:00
28 02, 2017

How to Cut Without Losing Muscle | Gravity Transformation


How to Cut Without Losing Muscle Check out my client Matt's transformation where he put on a whole bunch of muscle If you've ever dieted consistently for an extended period of time you've most likely also experienced some muscle loss throughout that diet. Even though losing muscle is inevitable when cutting there are some [...]

How to Cut Without Losing Muscle | Gravity Transformation2022-01-08T21:04:15-05:00