2 12, 2017

5 Ab Workout Mistakes | Gravity Transformation


5 Ab Workout Mistakes Check out my client David’s transformation where he put on a whole bunch of muscle. Today we're going to talk about the five biggest ab workout mistakes that are absolutely killing your six pack and any chances of you ever seeing them. Seriously, guys, this is not a filler or [...]

5 Ab Workout Mistakes | Gravity Transformation2022-01-08T20:25:28-05:00
19 07, 2017

How to get a Six Pack FAST in 3 minutes | Gravity Transformation


How to get a Six Pack FAST in 3 minutes Check out my client Alex’s transformation where he put on a whole bunch of muscle That shit doesn't work. Hey guys what's up so I'm sure you have seen the videos on YouTube titled how to get ABS in a week how to get [...]

How to get a Six Pack FAST in 3 minutes | Gravity Transformation2022-01-08T20:49:56-05:00
5 09, 2016

How to Get Abs in 1 Week at Home FAST | Gravity Transformation


How to Get Abs in 1 Week at Home FAST How do you get abs in 1 week ha you can't. Before you get all upset and angry let me explain why I titled this video how to get abs in 1 week. The masses want instant satisfaction for the least amount of effort, [...]

How to Get Abs in 1 Week at Home FAST | Gravity Transformation2022-01-08T21:19:25-05:00