27 03, 2018

6 Reasons Your Abs Will Never Show | Gravity Transformation


6 Reasons Your Abs Will Never Show Check out my client David's transformation where he put on a whole bunch of fat and abs You've been watching what your eating you've been doing crunches and you've been losing weight and body fat but you still can't see your abs and it seems like no [...]

6 Reasons Your Abs Will Never Show | Gravity Transformation2022-01-08T20:08:54-05:00
23 05, 2016

BEST V-Cut Lower Ab Exercises | 2 EASY Steps | How to Get V Cut Abs Workout


BEST V-Cut Lower Ab Exercises Check out my client David's transformation where he put on a whole bunch of muscle. Today I'm gonna go over exactly how you get V cut lower abs. For any muscle in your body to become more visible two things have to happen. The first thing is that the muscle [...]

BEST V-Cut Lower Ab Exercises | 2 EASY Steps | How to Get V Cut Abs Workout2022-01-08T21:41:32-05:00
14 03, 2016

TRUTH on How to Get Abs | IMPOSSIBLE? | Gravity Transformation


TRUTH on How to Get Abs | IMPOSSIBLE? Check out my client khalid's transformation where he put on a whole bunch of muscle Yes, it is true that everyone watching this video already has abs no matter how much excess fat you have on your body. But it's also true that everyone has biceps [...]

TRUTH on How to Get Abs | IMPOSSIBLE? | Gravity Transformation2022-01-09T11:20:28-05:00